Need help?

I have been building web applications since 2011. I have helped startups raise funds, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions, by building MVPs and delivering features in a timely manner. I have worked as a consultant for over 5 years and as a product engineer for even longer. Additionally, I have contributed to building, training, and coaching software engineers.

Need help with your startup?

If you don't know where to start, are stuck with software that doesn't work as expected, or need an opinion on how to design software and/or a team to ship quickly, I can help.

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Startup office that scaled up

Are you a software engineer looking for coaching?

I offer free open hours where I can provide career advice, review CVs, or answer any questions you have about software engineering.

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Software Engineer on his computer

Launching a new project

Do you have a great product idea but don't know where to start?

Grow your software

Need quick help with software, architecture, or system design trade-offs? Or maybe you're exploring your options and seeking suggestions?

Grow your team

Do you need to scale up your team, hire new team members, train them, or improve the velocity of an existing team?